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[The Koeran Society] 2024 Annual Dinner Van Fleet Award - Seri Pak


나는 골프를 좋아한다.  그리고 생각보다 많이 좋아한다.

그런데 좋아하는 것 대비 굉장히 못친다.

나는 골프에 재능은 딱히 없어보인다.

그래도 골프는 좋다.


비윤리적인 골프선수제외, 골프선수들을 좋아해서 특히,  KLPGA 선수들은 항상 응원하고 있다.

호주까지와서 VPN 유료가입한 이유는 바로 KLPGA 시청을 위해서라고 해도 과언은 아닌것 같다.


그리고, 한국골프의 시조새? 와 같은 박세리 님은 열렬히 응원한다.

그런 박세리님이 밴플리트 상을 수상하였고, 뉴욕에서 상을 받고 소감을 말하는 모습에 또 한번 뭉클해지면서

영어 소감문을 한번 읊어보려고 한다.

영어를 오랜만에 쓰고, 잘 하지는 못한다고 하였지만 나의 눈에는 후광이 비춰보이고 멋있었다.

박세리님의 영광스러운 수상소감을 나도 한번 따라해본다.




[Seri PAK] I hasn't been speak English for a while, so its gonna be a little nervous.
But well, first of all, I'd like to thank Korea society and of course, Kathy and Thomas.
As really such honored, receive Van Fleet Award because it's really special and very meaningful me to having this award. Because Um, we says it's already has been 26years ago, it's already in time to past 26 years.
I'm still not used to that years.
Back in 1990, my age is 20. I said, of course, from Korea as a rookie, only one dreams about playing golf.
Only one dreams I Actually think about want to be number one or best golfer in the world. Of course, the lpga tours gonna be most.
I said a strong feel and dream stage. so I decided to play and join the lpja tour, so I booked to US of course, myself alone, back in the day I don't know anything about there's no friends, no family just myself.
Of course, I speak English, I'm still not good enough in English, but it just to myself to be trouble in learn each day of each months year after year. First my winning, of course, everybody think about 1998 US open, but my first winning is the McDonald's. that's first major and secondary is gonna be US Open at this, you know, as an enhancer, they're going to be making 20 holes playoff. That's what's the longest playoff,ever have
I'm still the longest playoff ever have. I'm history still but since then I learned a lot, of course, after playoff after winning, of course, I said I'm the one back in Korea, the Korean players and I said after 10 years later by the 40 players for my country because I'm very happy about seeing that happen, but I'm, I really never realized it.
The dreams I thought my at the dream is my own dreams but I'm realized that after year after year my dream is gonna be someone's dream means are giving someone's hope to. So things changing. I was think about when I retire and I said myself, I will gonna be next my life to be how gonna believe my life or second my new life?
As a player, I'm looking for us, because I've dreaming making my dreams comes true, which is like it tonight.
This is what a wonderful night is special tonight for me too. But every step I use doing master by step, my life, which is, I'm always dreams about it. I'm trying to be always dreams about myself to be learned, I'm trying to be more growing and trying to be more better person to leave I'm trying to giving for the people trying to hope the people. So after leaving from the Golf course, which is a retire, this is my idiots retire and after retired. I'm having my own company, I have my foundation. I realized I said my dreams giving to another people's dream and I'm giving the people the hope, so things changing. So that's why tonight Van Fleet awards is gonna be giving a lot of new memory overview, new life tonight, so the meeting award tonight is again. I really strongly do what I'm doing is the right way to do that. So I'm going to do the way I'm doing it. I'm going to same as person do better to give in to people to the way to hope and better future in trying to help much as I could. So once again, thank you very much giving you such a special gift award and everybody have a great-great night and healthy's the most important things.Everybody healthy in 2024, is everybody happy years. Thank you very much.


문장을 듣고, 글로 옮겨적다보면

세리님의 문장에서는 완벽하지는 않지만 그간의 골프생활의 여정을 보여주면서

꿈과 희망, 노력, 감사함이라는 주제를 반복적으로 강조하고 있는 걸 알수있다.


나는 이 문장을 AI 의 힘을 빌려서 자주 나오는 표현 10가지를 뽑아보았다.

아마 세리님이 은연중에 자주 쓰이는 표현이고, 이정도로 5분동안 수상소감을 말할정도라니 놀라울 뿐이다.

골프도 잘하시는데 영어까지 완벽할 필요는 없지 않습니까~


자주 등장하는 주요 문장/표현 10가지를 추출해드리겠습니다:

"dreams about" - 꿈에 대한 언급이 여러 번 등장
"I'm trying to be" - 자신의 노력을 표현할 때 반복적으로 사용
"of course" - 설명을 이어갈 때 자주 사용
"back in" - 과거를 회상할 때 자주 사용 (예: "back in 1990", "back in Korea")
"I'm still" - 현재 상황을 설명할 때 반복적으로 사용
"which is" - 부연 설명을 할 때 자주 사용
"I realized" - 깨달음을 표현할 때 반복적으로 사용
"trying to help" - 다른 사람을 돕고자 하는 의지를 표현할 때 사용
"giving to" - 나눔과 기부를 언급할 때 자주 사용
"thank you very much" - 감사 인사를 표현할 때 반복적으로 사용

"dreams about": 총 5회 "dreams about playing golf" "dreams I Actually think about" "dreams about it" "dreams about myself" "dreams giving to another people's dream"
"I'm trying to be": 총 4회 "I'm trying to be always dreams" "I'm trying to be more growing" "I'm trying to be more better person" "trying to help"
"of course"
: 총 6회 "of course, Kathy and Thomas" "of course, from Korea" "Of course, the lpga tours" "of course, myself alone" "of course, everybody think" "of course, after playoff" 

"back in": 총 3회 "back in 1990" "back in the day" "back in Korea"
"I'm still": 총 3회 "I'm still not used to" "I'm still not good enough" "I'm still the longest playoff"
"which is": 총 3회 "which is like it tonight" "which is, I'm always dreams" "which is a retire"
"I realized": 총 3회 "I really never realized it" "I realized that after year" "I realized I said my dreams"
"trying to help": 변형 포함 총 4회 "trying to help" "trying to hope the people" "trying to be more better" "trying to giving for the people"
"giving to": 총 3회 "giving someone's hope" "giving for the people" "giving you such a special gift"
"thank you very much": 총 2회, 연설 마지막 부분에서 두 번 사용


AI 의 시대가 도래하는 건 맞는 것 같다. 이렇게 쉽게 영어문장의 구조와 자주사용하는 문구, 몇회 사용했는지 정확하게 알려주니 말이다.

세리님. 응원합니다~!!
